2021-22 Learning & Safety Resources
VUSD 2021-22 Learning & Safety Resources
VUSD Call Center
If the school site cannot assist please contact the District Call Center at the following numbers and times:
Monday-Friday, 7:30 am-4:30 pm.
English- 805-641-5000 x1380
Spanish- 805-641-5000 x 1390
VUSD Technology Services Helplines
We have implemented a helpline for families with questions about devices, Wi-Fi, Q Connect, etc. Please choose one way to reach out to us (email or call). Please leave your first and last name, site your child attends, description of the problem/question, and a call back number or email address where you can be reached.
Family/Student Helpline- (805) 641-5000 x1450 or vusdparenthelp@venturausd.org
Helpful Info & Links
- Need your venturaedu.org or Q login info? Call the FTHS office at (805) 289-0023, press "0".
- Canvas FAQs
- VUSD Technology Services - info on tech helplines, device needs, internet, etc.
- Parent Square Help
Q Connect & Parent Square
Q Student Connect- https://venturausd.vcoe.org/studentconnect/
Q Parent Connect- https://venturausd.vcoe.org/parentconnect/
Q Student Connect passwords have not changed this year, but we realize some students do not remember them, so your student’s pin and password will be given out during device/supply distribution at your school site. Parents, there is a “Need your Login Information?” link on the login page for Q Parent Connect, please use that if you do not remember your pin or password. If you continue to have issues, please contact your school first.
Parent Square
Parents - make sure you're receiving school and district emails/texts through Parent Square! If you're not, please sign up at www.parentsquare.com with your phone or email address listed in Q Parent Connect. Contact the school office if you need help at (805) 289-0023.